Name = 포 미닛 월드 (4Minute World) Location = Korea – I know it’s a bit weird to go backwards at this point but to be honest this first park had some amazing ideas that were not always executed quite so well, as I look back on them now. After rolling out videos of a good chunk of the newer parks I decided to go back and have a bit of a play to bring some of these originals up to scratch again. This one was actually created in vanilla Rollercoaster Tycoon 2, with many of the ride hacks taking place in a separate piece of user created software. It wasn’t ideal, everything broke down constantly and had the potential to crash the game, but having the opportunity to do far more with the game than ever before was rather enthralling in itself. At some point I took the plunge and brought this map over to OpenRCT2, learning that most of the ‘hacks’ were now fundamental parts of the newly modified game which made life a lot easier. The biggest gamechanger at that time was the simple option to ‘disable breakdowns’, which meant I could finally see the park fully operational and then take things even further.
Check out the videos below to see some of the rides in action, or download the map to explore the park.
Intamin multi launch coaster from my park ‘포 미닛 월드 (4Minute World)’ More rollercoaster and theme park content (real and otherwise): Height: 185ft Length: 5,190ft Max. Speed: 71Mph Excitement: 9.56 Intensity: 6.78 Nausea: 4.18 Inspired by:
This Intamin multi-launch coaster was all new to me after the transition to OpenRCT2. The custom scenery was a lot easier to play around with and I wanted something to pad out this hillside area that contained the Lisebergbanan-esque ride with some Liseberg-esque interaction. Because of course. The recent modification I made to this one was swapping the chain lift for the now faster accelerating LSM booster pieces. This also presented me with the opportunity to tweak the pacing a little bit – when using chain lift as a means of propulsion you were always limited to a single shared speed on both launches.
GCI Wooden Coaster from my park ‘포 미닛 월드 (4Minute World)’ More rollercoaster and theme park content (real and otherwise): Height: 110ft Length: 4,515ft Max. Speed: 60Mph Excitement: 8.36 Intensity: 9.90 Nausea: 5.82
A GCI woodie with a Wodan inspired start, signature station fly through and a namesake ‘crazy’ section at the end (there was very little to work with on the music video for some of these early picks, I didn’t have a broad enough catalogue of artists). It was interesting to look back on this one and see what my impressions of the manufacturer were like before having ridden, what, 20 of them now. I was fairly happy with this one as it was originally and only ended up smoothing out some of the wilder sections to not be too over-emphasised along with tidying up the scenery a bit – more trees and bushes!
B&M Inverted Coaster from my park ‘포 미닛 월드 (4Minute World)’ More rollercoaster and theme park content (real and otherwise): Height: 125ft Length: 5,315ft Max. Speed: 56Mph Inversions: 7 Excitement: 6.21 Intensity: 10.58 Nausea: 9.23
The neighbouring B&M Invert also needed a scenery upgrade, it was looking a bit bare and, for want of a better word, odd. Again I really liked the layout and left it completely as is. There’s an obvious Nemesis beginning here, heading out into a very unconventional both out and back and terrain design that includes some unique interlocking inversions and even that bonus airtime hill before I knew they did such things on these rides – an impressive bit of creative foresight on my part.
This one began with an early fascination of the whole ‘RMC’ deal in the industry. The idea that they converted existing wooden coasters, using the original layout as a base and making many more wild and interesting elements out of it was a very interesting concept to play with in game.
I built myself a CCI woodie with the specific intention of upgrading it almost immediately afterwards and having a template to follow and enhance ended up being both restrictive and rewarding. Once Wildfire and Lightning Rod came along as an inspiration it went a bit more extreme, with a whole extra mountainside section added while almost doubling the original lift hill height (with hybrid support structure), but these in game RMC trains do lose speed pretty quickly so you always had to go bigger and better anyway.
RMC Hybrid Coaster from my park ‘포 미닛 월드 (4Minute World)’ More rollercoaster and theme park content (real and otherwise): Height: 145ft Length: 5,453ft Max. Speed: 66Mph Inversions: 4 Excitement: 11.83 Intensity: 9.56 Nausea: 5.87
Of course the most recent changes I made here included updating the track type to the actual RMC rails (spot the sneakily disguised corkscrew in there which isn’t actually available to build in this style). Other than that, a couple of pacing improvements here and there and, for reasons that already elude me, an extra inversion.
Gerstlauer Infinity Coaster from my park ‘포 미닛 월드 (4Minute World)’ More rollercoaster and theme park content (real and otherwise): Height: 205ft Length: 5,348ft Max. Speed: 80Mph Inversions: 1 Excitement: 10.55 Intensity: 8.53 Nausea: 5.42
Kärnan much? The design idea was obvious here with the vertical lift hill inside an overly ridiculous castle tower. Sadly I’m yet to find a way to replicate the actual insanity of the real life lift sequence, but I like to think I made up for it by taking inspiration from elsewhere at Hansa Park and having some great moments of interaction between family and thrill coaster using the intertwined linear layout of a Vekoma Junior Boomerang (let it be known that this was my idea long before Volldampf ever came into being). In terms of updates, this ride never had an inversion because I always preferred to use the B&M hyper trains to emulate Gerstlauer Infinity trains, but there was no way to make them go upside down. The option was always to comprimise with a shoulder restraint and I was never happy about that (both in game and in real life). These days I find the user created Zierer Tower coaster trains do the job of 4 wide lap bar trains with inversions rather nicely so I decided to chuck in a path interacting zero-G at the end for good measure.
Zierer/Schwarzkopf coaster from my park ‘포 미닛 월드 (4Minute World)’ More rollercoaster and theme park content (real and otherwise): Height: 150ft Length: 5,190ft Max. Speed: 52Mph Excitement: 7.71 Intensity: 6.82 Nausea: 3.72 Inspired by:
The aforementioned Lisebergbanan ride. It’s quite clear how much my designs were ‘inspired’ by the real coasters I was riding around the time. I had some old mine train cars on this one originally, just to have the choo-choo train look on the front, like the real thing, but these never sat right with me – the animation of the sprites doesn’t show banked curved drops properly and it always looked a little off. Upon revisiting, I decided to give it some new, standard lap bar Schwarzkopf (likely built by Gerstlauer these days) trains and a new name – to emulate that modifications to this park happen in a real, seasonal time, with accompanying marketing campaign of course.
On the subject of changing trains, this ride had a bit of an in game history as well. Turns out it’s great fun to go back and look on old designs with extra techniques under your belt and more experienced eyes. Maybe with a couple years more practice I’ll be doing the same to the later parks, an endless renewable cycle of attractions and modifications, just like the real thing.
It began life uninspired and unthemed, I knew I wanted a B&M Floorless coaster (for some reason I’ve never spoken those words since) but didn’t have a song to go with it.
B&M Floorless coaster from my park ‘포 미닛 월드 (4Minute World)’ More rollercoaster and theme park content (real and otherwise): Height: 145ft Length: 5,450ft Max. Speed: 67Mph Inversions: 9 Excitement: 10.16 Intensity: 9.96 Nausea: 6.3 Inspired by:
Then one day I did, so the terrain got flattened and shipping containers were added everywhere to suit (Merlin would be proud). I also decided to take this upgrade as an opportunity to break the mould – at a time when B&M were converting stand-up trains into floorless trains, this place converted floorless trains into a wing coaster. It worked surprisingly well, but as I came back to record this one recently I decided that the overall flow of the ride was better suited to the original trains, so they were dug out from the maintenance shed, repainted and reintroduced. Maybe the park will be able to reuse the winged trains on a new attraction some day.
Name = 시즌 여자친구의 (Season of Gfriend) Location = Korea – For my most time consuming park to date, I had grand visions of a fully fledged city as one half of the park to contrast the prettier, more scenic half and act as a two-gate resort, but buildings are a pain to make and scale with everything else going on, it’s not my strong point and I’d rather just spend that time creating actual rides. The experimentation has kicked up another gear here and I’m currently having a bit of a personal crisis in making certain new elements look visually satisfying when the game can’t actually cope with them at this stage, both to satisfy all the new ideas buzzing around my head and to keep up with all the cool stuff being actually built in the real world.
Check out the videos below to see some of the rides in action, or download the map to explore the park.
B&M Inverted coaster from my park ‘시즌 여자친구의 (Season of GFriend)’ More rollercoaster and theme park content (real and otherwise): Height: 165ft Length: 4,738ft Max. Speed: 62Mph Inversions: 8 Excitement: 6.57 Intensity: 10.51 Nausea: 8.59 Inspired by:
I’d never really attempted a B&M invert of this scale before, both from not having ridden any of the big boys and not being too keen on the generation of momentum through steep drops – while growing up Nemesis had always taught me physics doesn’t work like that. Everything changed in 2018 when I rode a whole bunch and Pyrenees in particular said to me “no, you can have massive terrifying drops if you want, you do you.” So I did, even inventing my own inversion along the way. The Korean loop (based on the country of firstinstallation) as I have now coined it via inquiry would probably be far too intense for most if it rides anything like a Batman loop twice over, but I always dream of boundary pushers and this park is full of them.
Intamin multi launch coaster from my park ‘시즌 여자친구의 (Season of GFriend)’ More rollercoaster and theme park content (real and otherwise): Height: 205ft Length: 6,959ft Max. Speed: 90Mph Inversions: 4 Excitement: 8.54 Intensity: 11.21 Nausea: 6.36 Inspired by:
Riding Taiga in 2019 was a game changer for me, bringing Intamin’s own spice of varied elements to the multi launch mix. It highlighted to us the potential for the manufacturer to one day build a Helix beater and of course I had to take inspiration and produce my own attempt at the madness. While certain elements that are becoming possible on other track types continue to elude me on a ride of this style, it was nice to crank up some stronger launches and try to channel the best of Intamin’s ferociousness from variousothercreations.
Gerstlauer family launch coaster from my park ‘시즌 여자친구의 (Season of GFriend)’ More rollercoaster and theme park content (real and otherwise): Height: 70ft Length: 3,520ft Max. Speed: 49Mph Excitement: 8.43 Intensity: 7.43 Nausea: 5.82 Inspired by:
Gerstlauer family launch coasters are a hugely satisfying experience in the real world and with shuttle layout building techniques under my belt I’ve become quite fond of making them in game too. Forwards, backwards, punchy little launches – all add up to great fun.
RMC hybrid coaster from my park ‘시즌 여자친구의 (Season of GFriend)’ More rollercoaster and theme park content (real and otherwise): Height: 205ft Length: 5,824ft Max. Speed: 78Mph Inversions: 4 Excitement: 9.21 Intensity: 10.87 Nausea: 10.27 Inspired by:
A relatively compact monster of an RMC and my own take on what I’d like to see beat the latest and greatest to come from the manufacturer (without actually knowing what Steel Vengeance does yet – don’t spoil it for me). One of the elements I alluded to in the introduction lives within this ride. The train negotiates a stall type inversion with consecutive pieces of upside down track and at present the sprite glitches its way through this, strategically camouflaged by a theming element. I’d love to see something like that working properly one day and have it out on full display. The nature of making this ride operate also means that I am as yet unable to convert this one to the new track type.
Now with modified train sprites to complete the stall element. RMC hybrid coaster from my park ‘시즌 여자친구의 (Season of GFriend)’ More rollercoaster and theme park content (real and otherwise): Height: 205ft Length: 5,824ft Max. Speed: 78Mph Inversions: 4 Excitement: 9.21 Intensity: 10.87 Nausea: 10.27 Inspired by:
I finally went and did it. With much assistance from the original creator of the in game RMC vehicles and some bespoke software knocking around the depths of the RCT community, I made this train work properly in an extended upside down element.
It may seem like a little thing, but that’s a monumental moment in the history of the game for me. Of course this now means I’ve gotten power hungry, that the possibilities are endless and I’ll have to go and do as many more of these tweaks as I can, but it’s for a worthy cause, right?
Arrow Log Flume from my park ‘시즌 여자친구의 (Season of GFriend)’ More rollercoaster and theme park content (real and otherwise): Height: 90ft Length: 1,916ft Max. Speed: 37Mph Excitement: 6.21 Intensity: 2.95 Nausea: 1.94 Inspired by:
It only took 20 years of my life to be satisfied with a log flume in this game. They’ve always been impossible to pace with a fixed speed of 2Mph on the flat and even less on lift hills, I remember even as a child questioning why it would take a month of in game time for a water ride to get to the top of a lift. The original game design just doesn’t lend itself to a realistic and enjoyable layout. Once I finally figured out how to run one of these at a speed of my own determining, my first thoughts were dark ride section, terrain and a sprinking of Liseberg’s finest. Perhaps one day having a boat that tilts to a steep angle would be the cherry on the cake.
ProSlide water coaster from my park ‘시즌 여자친구의 (Season of GFriend)’ More rollercoaster and theme park content (real and otherwise): Height: 70ft Length: 1,322ft Max. Speed: 31Mph Excitement: 6.13 Intensity: 6.47 Nausea: 4.86
Almost every attraction in this list is ending up with an anecdote of “oh, I went and rode this”, but it’s true, new experiences are fuelling my builds more than pure imagination these days. I’ve always shied away from water parks in both the real and virtual world, but inevitably had to try one in Abu Dhabi because they went and built a rollercoaster within it. I rode one of these big four seater water slides while there and was instantly hooked – it was far better than I could have ever anticipated. Now how can I bring that joy into RCT? Well the notorious dinghy slide that always crashes and explodes is a good starting point, but shuttles in funnels, a separate offload and unmanned vertical lifts complete the package rather nicely.
Name = ファンタスティックパレード (Fantastic Parade) Location = Japan – after a Korean overdose fuelling the first major park, I had a bit of a J-Pop phase in 2017, centred around two groups in particular. The music videos aren’t anywhere near as thematically inspiring, so there was opportunity to go a bit more freestyle on decoration here. Features include the seafront/beach, a replica of Tokyo Tower as an observation deck and a shopping mall (complete with indoor and outdoor rollercoaster of course).
Check out the videos below to see some of the rides in action, or download the map to explore the park.
Mack Rides multi launch coaster from my park ‘ファンタスティックパレード (Fantastic Parade)’ More rollercoaster and theme park content (real and otherwise): Height: 175ft Length: 7,687ft Max. Speed: 65Mph Inversions: 7 Excitement: 5.03 Intensity: 11.52 Nausea: 7.69
An obviously very Helix inspired Mack multi launch coaster, this ride uses two angled launch sections to keep momentum as it negotiates the hillside through a combination of every element under the sun (just how I like it). There’s a slightly jarring pause before each one as I opted to utilise active block sections and have multiple trains on circuit simultaneously. (I could cheat and say that it’s intentional as the original (Manta @ Sea World San Diego) does this anyway).
Racing Intamin multi-launch coaster from my park ‘ファンタスティックパレード (Fantastic Parade)’ More rollercoaster and theme park content (real and otherwise): Height: 115ft Length: 6,250ft Max. Speed: 77Mph Excitement: 12.06 Intensity: 9.55 Nausea: 6.74
How do you make something like Taron more visually intense? Make a racing version through a bustling city. I also threw in a bucketload more airtime because that’s how I personally believe something like this should ride. These Intamin multi launches were built before the game had updated the booster sections to have a bit more acceleration power, hence the classic chain noise on each launch.
B&M inverted coaster from my park ‘ファンタスティックパレード (Fantastic Parade)’ More rollercoaster and theme park content (real and otherwise): Height: 125ft Length: 3,448ft Max. Speed: 57Mph Inversions: 6 Excitement: 7.87 Intensity: 9.77 Nausea: 7.79 Inspired by:
I’ve always dreamed of having more full scale rollercoasters built indoors (the world can do better than a Vekoma looper surely). Something like a B&M invert with very high intensity and disorientating inversions, in the dark with visual effects seems like something that could take the ride type to the next level for me (further evidence to support this after riding Black Mamba at midnight).
RMC wooden coaster from my park ‘ファンタスティックパレード (Fantastic Parade)’ More rollercoaster and theme park content (real and otherwise): Height: 145ft Length: 3,963ft Max. Speed: 65Mph Inversions: 3 Excitement: 11.04 Intensity: 8.80 Nausea: 5.44 Inspired by:
I was beyond excited the other week when a new track type was released for OpenRCT2 – the RMC hybrid. There’s still some limitations on the track pieces available, but this previous build was the first of mine that I was able to seemlessly convert. As useful as some of the other updates and features are, I feel that increasing players abilities to create more varied content in terms of ride hardware has been rather overlooked until this point, holding the game back for all but the most innovative, or perhaps the realism purists. As the trains themselves have existed for years I’ve been fascinated with making this ride type for a good while now, opting for standard twister track with painted rails to provide the desired effect. It’s a great opportunity to make some weird shapes and this one even has a slanted lift hill as a nod to the music video it’s inspired by. Prepare to get cosy with your neighbouring rider.
GCI wooden coaster from my park ‘ファンタスティックパレード (Fantastic Parade)’ More rollercoaster and theme park content (real and otherwise): Height: 175ft Length: 5,443ft Max. Speed: 58Mph Excitement: 8.98 Intensity: 9.98 Nausea: 6.11
I love building sprawling terrain GCIs in the game and for me it’s one of the most satisfying processes in coaster building. As this ride is mostly inspired by Python in Bamboo Forest, this hillside in the park is my idea of a coaster paradise, intertwining my two favourite rides in the world (oh, and an RMC next door).
Gerstlauer infinity coaster from my park ‘ファンタスティックパレード (Fantastic Parade)’ More rollercoaster and theme park content (real and otherwise): Height: 200ft Length: 4,820ft Max. Speed: 70Mph Inversions: 4 Excitement: 8.69 Intensity: 9.69 Nausea: 6.69 Inspired by:
The Maurer Sky Loop style lift hill on this one is an usual choice for me as I usually despise this element in real life, but I like to imagine that it could be pulled off much more comfortably in a Gerstlauer Infinity train and/or with the distracting visuals from atop a building in Tokyo. With the world of citycentre based thrill coasters currently leaving quite a lot to be desired on the design front, my own ideas on how to make the most of the man-made landscape led to this rooftop-bound first half of the layout, which then dives to ground level with a somewhat Kärnan-esque second section.
Name = 행복한 순간 (Happy Moment) Location = China(?) – My original plan was for this park to be more Chinese based, including a bit of C-Pop, but there wasn’t enough for me to work with in the end. The band with the biggest section of rides also has (had) a lot of Chinese influence with several members and a secondary agency, though that all went wrong for them in the year I was building this. Still, it would be good for me to break into that market. Got a better chance than Mr Lotte now. Theme = K-Pop All attractions are based on a music video or song with theming ranging from slight to intense.
Check out the videos below to see some of the rides in action, or download the map to explore.
I honestly struggle to replicate modern wooden coasters in the game without resorting to landscaping. Something about the pacing of a woodie on a piece of flat ground is very hard to emulate when you’re restricted to just reducing the height of the same shaped hills every few seconds. Terrain GCIs are the perfect way to maintain that relentless speed from start to finish, there’s always more momentum to find as you work your way down that hill.
I-Box tracked RMC coaster from my park ‘행복한 순간 (Happy Moment)’ More rollercoaster and theme park content (real and otherwise): Height: 130ft Length: 3,609ft Max. Speed: 59Mph Inversions: 4 Excitement: 10.05 Intensity: 8.93 Nausea: 6.11
With stalls and wonky hills, RMCs are very fun to build in game (and ride). I believe by this stage I had still only ridden Wildfire of any in the real world and this is more of an artist’s impression of what I’d like my next one to be like, without taking on many spoilers. This one can’t be converted to the new Hybrid track available in game yet as the corkscrew pieces would be missing, so it’s a good demonstration how I was achieving the track look before, with painted rails and wooden supports.
Mack Rides triple launch coaster from my park ‘행복한 순간 (Happy Moment)’ More rollercoaster content (real and otherwise): Height: 120ft Length: 3,550ft Max. Speed: 67Mph Inversions: 5 Excitement: 9.66 Intensity: 7.44 Nausea: 4.33 Inspired by:
Several new features and techniques for me all came into play for this triple launch Mack coaster. The booster pieces were finally punchy enough to use instead of an overexcited chain lift and they also allow trains to pass backwards across the fins without instantly getting halted again. The merging and splitting track technique then lets the train join halfway through a launch section in order to not have enough momentum on the first pass, but gain enough on the third to make it in to the rest of the layout. Finally I was mixing and matching track styles within a single build, something I had always held back on before due to lack of skill and/or I thought they didn’t blend well and were a bit visually jarring. The alternative compromise was always use track that didn’t look anything like Mack at all (LIM launch for me in the past) and so here the combination of Giga, Impulse and Multi-dimension seemed acceptable enough for me to move forward with these sorts of ideas.
Gravity Group wooden shuttle coaster from my park ‘행복한 순간 (Happy Moment)’ More rollercoaster and theme park content (real and otherwise): Height: 180ft Length: 4,298ft Max. Speed: 65Mph Excitement: 6.98 Intensity: 10.79 Nausea: 6.84 Inspired by:
As much as I adore the unique feature of Kärnan’s lift hill, there’s a lot of faff involved and I always imagined a better version in which the reverse vertical freefall just continued onwards into a backwards portion of the layout (see also Disney mine trains). It would also be great for thematic reasons in this case. Track splitting and merging techniques didn’t allow for this in the vertical plane and so the alternative solution was to use a ride operation I never usually touch – reverse incline circuit mode. The catch here was obviously that the cars would be facing the wrong way. Enter the backwards facing wooden coaster train, but now the ride has to be a woodie. That’s fine by me I said, it’ll just make it even more ridiculous and intense as a concept. The Gravity Group have already dabbled in the shuttle world, I bet I could get them to build something like this if I had the cash.
B&M hyper coaster from my park ‘행복한 순간 (Happy Moment)’ More rollercoaster and theme park content (real and otherwise): Height: 250ft Length: 7,021ft Max. Speed: 84Mph Excitement: 9.55 Intensity: 8.39 Nausea: 4.94
I have to start by saying that my B&M hypers in the game aren’t built to emulate the ones that exist in real life, as I largely find the layouts a little underwhelming. It’s also just very hard to do a convincing out and back with ever decreasing hill sizes (and some dodgy turnaround no doubt)based on these game mechanics. Instead I build these how I wish they would be, much more twisty and full of stronger airtime. I dream of the day when grace and intensity can go hand in hand. One built around a massive canyon would be nice too.
As with the RMC in this park, this is an artist’s impression of how I wanted something like Lech Coaster to be, before I had even ridden it. The flow and blend of elements, along with the visual interaction feel right up my street. After finally experiencing it this year there’s a certain spark missing from these real Vekomas and I don’t know if I’ll be exploring the ride type in game again for a while yet. There’s one too many things based on B&M track already.
Hafema rapids ride from my park ‘행복한 순간 (Happy Moment)’ More rollercoaster and theme park content (real and otherwise): Height: 85ft Length: 1,900ft Excitement: 7.21 Intensity: 2.52 Nausea: 1.96 Inspired by:
Real life Hafemas are ridiculous in their own right, often pulling crazy stunts you wouldn’t believe possible on a rapids ride. So with some handy hacking I attempted to do the same on my most elaborate water attraction to date. The journey begins by crossing the sea (a world’s first if ever there was one) before weaving in and out of storyline setpieces that lead to the terrifying elevator lift hill and downwards tubey spiral à la River Quest. Just to crank things up another notch (always have to take that intensity one step further) I chucked in a climactic drop on the scale of Singapore’s Jurassic Park shortly after. No time to catch your breath in this end sequence.
Meisho Amusement Machines jet coaster from my park ‘행복한 순간 (Happy Moment)’ More rollercoaster and theme park content (real and otherwise): Height: 130ft Length: 4,196ft Max. Speed: 50Mph Excitement: 6.61 Intensity: 5.72 Nausea: 2.73
The game makes quite light work of building one of these and as un unashamed fan of the Japanese ‘Jet Coaster’ I just had to get one in a park somehow. Narratively speaking it works rather well near the entrance as if it was a somewhat historic relic of the park’s growth. It was also refreshing to create something away from the edge of extreme for once, I imagine one of the main criticisms of guests in these resorts is that the ratio of family rides is too low. I call it tough love.