China 04/24 – Suzhou Amusement Land
Ah, China. The bane of my life, but I can’t get enough. It’s been two-and-a-half long months since I could visit and they’ve built and closed a hundred more things I want to try in that time.
The plan was to go to Europe around this time, but as no one can open anything in a timely fashion, might as well have another crack.
Nothing exciting in terms of travel. Landed in Shanghai. Picked up a SIM card.
Phoned Suzhou Amusement Land.
Is Beyond the Cloud running?
Unintelligible noises.
Jumped straight on the world’s fastest Maglev for maximum efficiency, but was once again treated to the ‘slow cycle’ capped at a mere 300km/h. Regular high speed trains would regularly outstrip this for the rest of the trip again but it beats the metro equivalent of that particular journey a hundredfold at least.
From the end of that it was metro anyway to Shanghai Railway Station. High speed train to Suzhou. Dump bags at the hotel. Didi to the park. Breathe.
Day 1 – Suzhou Amusement Land Forest World again

Even when you do get positive confirmation it’s never a guarantee in this game. The nerves were high as I powered over to the ticket office, gazing distractedly at the magnificent blue top hat all the while. A train crested it. A scream.

And thus, #1 Beyond the Cloud only manages to tie with Wood Coaster for the honour of my worst spite. Third time’s the charm. The queue was just about trailing to the bottom of the station stairs and took around 30 minutes, so, 4 trains.

I’d never actually seen the trains, but here they are. Non-headlight editions. Noticed some fun details while waiting like the fact the LSMs have little cooling fans and tubes mounted underneath them, which fire up just for the launch sequence. Must get pretty hot those things.

Talking of pretty hot, god damn, this ride. After so much more anticipation than I usually allow myself, mainly circumstantial of course, it was everything I wanted, and more.
The launch is nothing overly special, beyond being the fastest Mack and all that. A smooth acceleration into an interestingly rough transition – there’s quite an intense judder as it heads up into the top hat, but a characterful one that added to the experience on this occasion. A reminder that this thing is gonna kick my ass.
Top hat happens in no time at all, with a bit more kick at the top than your average accelerator one of these and then a full on, wild, first drop type experience on the way down with some legitimately scary airtime, especially for a Mack I must say. And herein lies the strengths of this ride, something I perhaps didn’t expect. Violent ejector punctuates proceedings on multiple occasions.

As such, the super fast inversion almost manages to be the most pedestrian part of the layout. Sadly this didn’t ride like a Blue Fire roll, which would have amped the whole intensity even more, but you’re soon up into the big twisty turnaround.

Which reminded me a bit of Zadra, with another fantastic lurch downwards. Then it goes straight into another ejector hill, which was pretty obscene.

Before what, on paper, seemed like a questionable choice of inversion sequence. Cobra roll? They’re never good. Vertical loopings? Yawn.
Not so, the cobra is profiled in a rather uninterrupted way when it comes to forces, which, leading directly into the loop at such high speed and being, unusually, the last inversion of the layout, gave a ridiculously strong amount of sustained positives. After a few laps I was getting pins and needles in my feet from this, badly. A feeling I haven’t felt since… 2017 Batman La Fuga. And I loved it.
Then just to wake you up again, bam, brutal ejection into the brakes.
I’m still in the processing stage for this ride, it certainly took my breath away in multiple ways. It’s a tad short, it’s not perfect, but a Mack launch having more and better airtime than Helix and Ride to Happiness, as the world’s biggest fan of those rides, scares me. Multi-launch this and you’re looking at a list breaker. The year of the Mack just got even more exciting.
For now, it’s the best steel coaster in China by quite a margin and, given the way their woodies are deteriorating, probably not far off the best they have to offer full stop.
For me, at least top 25.

Something that somewhat shocked me in the planning stages of this trip is that the park has added another coaster since I was last in the country. They couldn’t even open the ones they already had, but they could build more in no time at all.
Anyway this goose had stopped itself on the lift hill and, to their credit, they were actually doing something about it. Am I going to remain forever spited by this park though?

Meanwhile I did their flying theatre because I hadn’t done it yet, I guess. It was, ok, I guess. Done soooooo many that they’re like the Vekoma juniors of the dark ride world now. There’s like 10 more this trip alone, so stay tuned for that fun. Most memorable thing about it was that it flew over the old Suzhou Amusement Land, which used to be elsewhere in the city. That was a nice touch, especially for any locals who got the reference, I guess.
Back over at the goose things were looking slow. Endless test laps and an ambiguous response from the staff. Oh well, Beyond the Cloud had reduced itself to being basically walk on, so rode that a bunch more while keeping one eye on the potential +1.
The ride was injuring me in multiple ways before I finally stopped, would have stayed longer but had been up for well over 24 hours at this point. And the #2 Goose Coaster had reopened.

A magnificent specimen and close out to the day.