Day 2 – Pettitts Animal Adventure Park Nice little park.
#1 Rocky Roller Coaster
Nice little ride.
Spent some time looking at raccoons.
My reaction to yesterday’s spite.
Joyland Childrens Fun Park Didn’t make it here last time we were in Great Yarmouth. Can’t remember exactly why. They pack the rides in tighter than I do.
Another WGH for the collection in the form of #2 Spook Express. Jellikins may make that collection hard to complete. The ride is quite a good use of space, being situated above everything else in the park. Takes a few laps and has a bit of an ‘indoor section’.
Did Tyrolean Tubtwist. Hilarious. Vicious. Don’t agree on the Coaster Count stance on this one when it’s pretty much the same logic as: Did the Snails. Hilarious. Vicious. ‘Undefined’. Not a cred.
Great Yarmouth Pleasure Beach Popped in for the first Wacky Worm I’ve ever reridden, albeit 15 years later. Mega-Lite needed the cred. Not as good as I remember, but very enthusiastic staff is always a plus.
Took a token lap on Rollercoaster. Be rude not to. Tivoli Gardens killed these classic woodies, the brake men are such wusses everywhere else.
There’s still time. What else can we squeeze in? Against better judgment, Clacton.
Pavilion Fun Park Got out of the car just as Hurricane Irma was hitting the east coast of England.
Shouting through the wind: “IS THE ROLLERCOASTER OPEN?” “NO, THE TRACK IS WET” What is this? Nagashima?
Battled through a sandstorm and walked to…
Clacton Pier Stella’s Revenge was that she was also spiting. However, the ticket bloke managed to phone up a member of staff to run #3Wild Mouse Coaster for us, in adverse weather.
As it’s obviously a Wacky Worm and not a Wild Mouse, I’ve finally got the ‘most confusing cred name’ cred to my name.
A reasonable amount of success in this weekend. Still plenty of loose ends around the area to keep me out of trouble though.
Here’s a bit of a fun weekend in pursuit of some previous spite:
Day 1 – Fantasy Island
#1 Odyssey (pictured in yellow) is a hard creature to catch, but we finally managed it this year. I had some mild form of excitement for the ride, as although it’s a Vekoma SLC, it’s reasonably unique and absolutely huge.
Well it rides terribly. I simply resorted back to my zoned out defensive mode and that was that. At least it’s done.
Millennium (pictured in yellow) remains an offensively smooth mince around the park and the nearby streets. Boarding the the train directly above the high street is still a novel experience.
Couldn’t resistriding Seaquarium, the fishy dark ride thing. Got the song stuck in my head again. A classic. I forget the rest.
Botton’s Pleasure Beach As nice as the staff were last time, this park was down to a 5 minute job, from the previous 15 minute job. Needed #2 Queen Bee. Got Queen Bee. Did the ghost train cos it worked out with a token deal. Wasn’t great.
Mack’s Amusements The wrong Mack unfortunately. Sketchy looking thing on a beach:
They closed down early for the day, in front of our face. Didn’t want to take our money. You win some, you lose some.
Time to take a short break from the fancy stuff and get down and dirty. Drove for 40 minutes through intermittent bursts of rain so heavy you couldn’t see the road. Sat in the car park for 30 minutes while it was chucking it down. The rain eased slightly.
#1 Big Apple
Walked up to the cred as a couple of staff members were starting to come out of hiding from the weather. No one else around at all. “Do you wanna go on that?” “Yes, yes we do.” “Sweet, I don’t know how the brakes work but I know a man who does.” Several more staff wander over and between them are able to meet the criteria to take our money and get the ride running. Got 3 laps.