OpenRCT2 – Phase 4

Name = 시즌 여자친구의 (Season of Gfriend)
Location = Korea – For my most time consuming park to date, I had grand visions of a fully fledged city as one half of the park to contrast the prettier, more scenic half and act as a two-gate resort, but buildings are a pain to make and scale with everything else going on, it’s not my strong point and I’d rather just spend that time creating actual rides.
The experimentation has kicked up another gear here and I’m currently having a bit of a personal crisis in making certain new elements look visually satisfying when the game can’t actually cope with them at this stage, both to satisfy all the new ideas buzzing around my head and to keep up with all the cool stuff being actually built in the real world.
Check out the videos below to see some of the rides in action, or download the map to explore the park.
I’d never really attempted a B&M invert of this scale before, both from not having ridden any of the big boys and not being too keen on the generation of momentum through steep drops – while growing up Nemesis had always taught me physics doesn’t work like that.
Everything changed in 2018 when I rode a whole bunch and Pyrenees in particular said to me “no, you can have massive terrifying drops if you want, you do you.”
So I did, even inventing my own inversion along the way. The Korean loop (based on the country of first installation) as I have now coined it via inquiry would probably be far too intense for most if it rides anything like a Batman loop twice over, but I always dream of boundary pushers and this park is full of them.
Riding Taiga in 2019 was a game changer for me, bringing Intamin’s own spice of varied elements to the multi launch mix. It highlighted to us the potential for the manufacturer to one day build a Helix beater and of course I had to take inspiration and produce my own attempt at the madness.
While certain elements that are becoming possible on other track types continue to elude me on a ride of this style, it was nice to crank up some stronger launches and try to channel the best of Intamin’s ferociousness from various other creations.
Gerstlauer family launch coasters are a hugely satisfying experience in the real world and with shuttle layout building techniques under my belt I’ve become quite fond of making them in game too. Forwards, backwards, punchy little launches – all add up to great fun.
A relatively compact monster of an RMC and my own take on what I’d like to see beat the latest and greatest to come from the manufacturer (without actually knowing what Steel Vengeance does yet – don’t spoil it for me).
One of the elements I alluded to in the introduction lives within this ride. The train negotiates a stall type inversion with consecutive pieces of upside down track and at present the sprite glitches its way through this, strategically camouflaged by a theming element. I’d love to see something like that working properly one day and have it out on full display.
The nature of making this ride operate also means that I am as yet unable to convert this one to the new track type.
I finally went and did it. With much assistance from the original creator of the in game RMC vehicles and some bespoke software knocking around the depths of the RCT community, I made this train work properly in an extended upside down element.
It may seem like a little thing, but that’s a monumental moment in the history of the game for me. Of course this now means I’ve gotten power hungry, that the possibilities are endless and I’ll have to go and do as many more of these tweaks as I can, but it’s for a worthy cause, right?
Water Rides
It only took 20 years of my life to be satisfied with a log flume in this game. They’ve always been impossible to pace with a fixed speed of 2Mph on the flat and even less on lift hills, I remember even as a child questioning why it would take a month of in game time for a water ride to get to the top of a lift. The original game design just doesn’t lend itself to a realistic and enjoyable layout.
Once I finally figured out how to run one of these at a speed of my own determining, my first thoughts were dark ride section, terrain and a sprinking of Liseberg’s finest. Perhaps one day having a boat that tilts to a steep angle would be the cherry on the cake.
Almost every attraction in this list is ending up with an anecdote of “oh, I went and rode this”, but it’s true, new experiences are fuelling my builds more than pure imagination these days. I’ve always shied away from water parks in both the real and virtual world, but inevitably had to try one in Abu Dhabi because they went and built a rollercoaster within it. I rode one of these big four seater water slides while there and was instantly hooked – it was far better than I could have ever anticipated.
Now how can I bring that joy into RCT? Well the notorious dinghy slide that always crashes and explodes is a good starting point, but shuttles in funnels, a separate offload and unmanned vertical lifts complete the package rather nicely.