Korea + Japan 08/18 – Busan

Day 2 – Tongdo Fantasia?
Having set up camp in Busan for the next couple of days, we took one of their very efficient intercity buses up to this park in Tongdo. It rained on and off along the way, but upon arrival and following the 15 minute walk to the park entrance, the weather seemed pretty reasonable.
There was a lot of activity in the resort hotel car park but absolutely nothing in the main car park. All the ticket windows were closed, only a little guest services building to the side showed any signs of life. In we go.
“What’s the situation?” We were pointed to a piece of paper with today’s available attractions listed on it. It had around 4 or 5 items on it, a couple of kiddie things, carousel and a haunted walkthrough.
“I see. Any chance of the rollercoasters running?”
“No. Not at all.”
It was a weekend, it was opening time, they were open until 9pm that day, but because it had rained earlier that morning, they had already completely given up on life.
I should be used to this by now, but it never seems any less stupid.
Jumped on the next bus back to Busan to try our luck on something else.
Geumgang Park?
This potential +1 was another reasonablly significant walk from a nearby metro station, which got quite hilly near the end. It reminded me of the Chinese city parks with their greenery + amusement section combo.
There was a help yourself insect spray dispenser near the entrance accompanied by a warning sign filled with all manner of awful looking creatures. Better be quick then.
Powered up to the powered dragon and found a man in a hut. “Can we ride the cred?” “Nope, it rained earlier.”
Drowned our sorrows with album shopping and food then found a nice observation deck on top of a mall for the evening.

This is ‘Breathtaking Busan’. Not sure on that yet.

Up next – more rain.
Day 3