China + Japan 06/19 – Nagoya
Previously on my trip reports:
‘Challenge time. There’s a lot of smaller parks around Nagoya with not a huge amount going for them, but it’s always fun to see what you can mop up.
With the ‘bigger’ stuff out of the way, there was a few +1s to try and hit up. This was the first, but on arrival it seemed they had given up for the day, with a few locals hanging around just for somewhere to be, but no staff in sight.
Figured this may be a similar case for the other places and called it a day for creds, opting to go to a mall instead. No regrets.’
So after landing in Nagoya again, we picked up where we left off on that day to clean up the rest of the area.
Day 2 – Akashi Park

Oh look, a Ferris Wheel. Hello Japan.
This place was cute, it took a few minutes to work out where the tickets were sold as it didn’t really have an entrance, just a bridge over a road.

You knew that the real whale I wanted to ride on this trip was to this, right? That’s why you’re here, not Hakugei.

A quality piece of engineering.
Kariya-shi Kotsu Jido Yuen
This was the place that was closed by the time we got to it before. It seems to have undergone some expansion since, including some new fairground rides and a new toilet block. Watch out, Six Flags America.

Another quality piece of engineering.

And potentially Japan’s cheapest cred at ~£0.36
Sea Train Land
This place was a little more significant than I expected. It had another of those Senyo shooting dark rides as well as a few other attractions, but I’m all burnt out on them.

Shame the cred is only a Zamperla 80STD. My 7th in as many months.

The park is a bit closer to the city and the day was now over, so felt like jumping on the ferris wheel for a look.

Couldn’t quite see Steel Dragon from here. It’s somewhere after that second bridge on the right but there’s a lot of other weirdly tall stuff in the area.

That was fun.
It really was actually, something so chill about just driving around these little parks with no real cred anxiety.
Day 3